The Studio

Studio Space for Jewellers
We have different ways you can access Silver & Steel to suit each stage of your jewellery making career.

Bespoke Jewellery benches in our custom built studio space for jewellers and silversmths

Permanent Bench Rental

Have you been looking for a space to work from? We have 5 Jewellers benches in our custom built studio space available to rent on long term contracts. Perfect for all levels of jewellery making and silversmithing. You have access to the communal tools and equipment as well as other in-house opportunities and benefits.

We have Full Time and Part-time options available.

Jeweller using a ring reducer and enlarger. Silversmith using jewellery tools in Silver & Steel

Daily Studio Access

Come and use our equipment, work with like minded creatives, process your scrap and have a space to create from.

Accessing the Studio costs £30 for a half day session, or £35 if your session includes casting activities.

Sessions run from 10am-1pm or 2pm-5pm

Once you complete a registration form below you will join the community mailing list and will be contacted for an induction and will then be able to start booking your sessions.

Hire The Space for your own workshops & Events

Have you been thinking about trying out your own workshops or idea? Struggling to find the perfect venue or not ready to invest in all the tools yourself?

We are the only bespoke jewellery studio you can book in this way so if you have an idea get in touch and we can make it happen.

Prices start at £50 for 3 hour workshops.


FAQ’s: Do I need to be a professional jeweller?

Absolutely not! We welcome all levels and abilities. It’s your studio space to learn and work in. If you have any questions about the tools and equipment please ask!

Can I bring my own tools?

Yes, we are happy to change the space to suit the people who use it regularly.

What people are saying

Flexible space, available when I am. Friendly fellow silversmiths who share their experiece and crafting knowledge. A gallery for completed work. A fantastic owner with a brilliant vision for all aspects of jewellery, jewellery making and spreading the word of jewellery!
— John Kelly (JKS Silver), Resident
I love working out of the Silver & Steel Studio space as it is somewhere that I can shut the door on life and really concentrate on my creative process. Everything I need is there, either at my own bench, or the shared bench which has the communal tools that are available for all to access. Since I have become a part of this community I have learned so much from my fellow studio makers. Every single person that I have met has something unique and important to share, and with this comes a belief in myself, and my creativity, that is really hard to find when working in a vacuum with no outside input.

What Beth has designed and put in place at Silver & Steel Studios is a vibrant, exciting and nurturing workshop and gallery which is accessible to all. Beth is a powerhouse whose enthusiasm and energy is contagious and truly inspirational.
— Holly (Holly Forester Jewellery), Resident
Silver and Steel is such an exciting addition to Bristol and I feel very lucky to be part of it. This space has been such a huge part of my settling back into Bristol after time abroad and finding my community – I feel grounded and at home here. It’s been the space where I have gained confidence and launched my jewellery business and it has given me the opportunity to start teaching which has also been amazing.

As a jeweller it is a really unique space that is hard to find, in that it offers several things: benches for hire with access to larger tools that can be hard to have at home as they take up space or are very expensive; the gallery and shop through which we can sell our work; the possibility to teach and also attend workshops; and to be part of groups of engaged contemporary jewellers. Something I struggled with previously in Bristol was a lack of a community around jewellery. With the gallery exhibitions, talks, CPD workshops and the resident community I have found a space to learn, grow and have super geeky conversations about all things contemporary jewellery and life!
— Rebecca Enderby, Resident